Vienna Results

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View Global Results
Rank Participant Participation type Total Time Levels completed
1 Wir sind nur wegen dem Essen hier 03:20:58 7
2 pdanzinger 03:42:34 6
3 Tschech 02:07:57 5
5 JoustThe2OfUs 02:58:33 5
6 Bits 'N' Bytes 03:05:12 5
7 Super Code Bros 03:05:27 5
8 Bytes 'N' Bits 03:08:23 5
9 03:08:58 5
10 bernikr 03:13:10 5
11 codelavi 03:20:02 5
12 InfPro IT Solutions 03:22:22 5
13 ViperGreen 03:49:58 5
14 GreenViper 04:06:58 5
15 Leberkäse 01:19:43 4
16 [Es-Kuh-El] 01:27:54 4
17 Timo Zikeli 01:31:36 4
18 std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() 01:42:11 4
19 [CyberTrap] Sieh einmal, hier steht er, pfui, der Struwwelpeter! Pfui, ruft da ein jeder: Gastiger Struwwelpeter 01:51:21 4
20 P=NP 01:56:19 4
21 The Big Subtyping Theory 02:00:48 4
22 Arkangles 02:04:05 4
23 OEBB-station 02:05:28 4
24 slog 02:10:25 4
25 Swatinem 02:10:38 4
26 Erstes Sidlo'sches Gesetz 02:11:40 4
27 TheGoodBadAndHacky 02:11:57 4
28 Die 2 Muskeltiere 02:15:40 4
29 For Nope and Glory 02:16:53 4
30 Cityhall would have been better 02:20:44 4
31 VCP 02:21:34 4
32 RianFuro 02:22:32 4
33 Coon_and_Friends_2018 02:25:21 4
34 axr 02:31:30 4
35 DonCaldo 02:33:23 4
36 Erosion 02:34:39 4
37 höslinger 02:42:08 4
38 StefanTieber 02:46:48 4
39 Best developers euw 02:48:30 4
40 ClusterDuck123 02:50:38 4
41 Gruppe1 02:51:33 4
42 TRAIN 02:52:49 4
43 all about apps - team rocket 02:54:04 4
44 BlauRoss 02:54:24 4
45 Fruchtsbold 02:55:31 4
46 PiglSon 02:56:52 4
47 Heinzl und die VIPs 02:58:40 4
48 Koala 03:02:02 4
49 m.bandion 03:02:30 4
50 DELETED 03:05:01 4
51 TeamCoderunners 03:05:56 4
52 #BesteJungs 03:05:58 4
53 RoadOfCode 03:10:11 4
54 PMT97 03:13:59 4
55 artemisunity 03:14:01 4
56 MiLaVa 03:14:16 4
57 wafflez 03:14:20 4
58 Lukski Lukilj 03:17:27 4
59 AM307 03:20:25 4
60 Bits Please 03:23:14 4
61 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 03:24:11 4
62 MCR2601 03:24:38 4
63 BAFF 03:26:52 4
64 ObservableGarbageCodeFactory 03:41:10 4
65 Synchron 03:44:45 4
66 Quick and Dirty 03:45:16 4
67 Phil 03:46:01 4
68 We trust in open IT 03:53:36 4
69 //DieDreiMusketiere 03:55:38 4
70 DELETED 03:58:26 4
71 KotCoder 04:01:21 4
72 Stargazer 01:30:56 3
73 random 01:38:33 3
74 roboalex 01:40:24 3
75 bleeding182 01:42:04 3
76 MeinMcMoment 01:46:33 3
77 drom 01:47:12 3
78 fNek 01:49:36 3
79 scpisanu 01:52:56 3
80 ZLeon 01:55:42 3
81 cacococrew 01:56:22 3
82 .titanic {float: none;} 02:08:37 3
83 GarbageCollectors 02:09:10 3
84 Letztes Sidlo'sches Gesetz 02:18:13 3
85 Jonas 02:22:06 3
86 Deadly_Turtles 02:24:58 3
87 dice 02:30:31 3
88 Syntax Freaks 02:34:52 3
89 Sakrafux 02:37:16 3
90 Killintosh 02:37:42 3
91 Flo 02:39:26 3
92 mathias_h 02:40:08 3
93 CptKappa 02:40:33 3
94 Fermat 02:44:41 3
95 02:48:25 3
96 \ (•◡•) / 02:51:03 3
97 DatagramSocket 02:56:08 3
98 alfii3141 03:11:52 3
99 GetPosition().First() 03:12:56 3
100 rivalitaet 03:21:26 3
101 Epic 03:26:49 3
102 EvAI 03:44:40 3
103 DELETED 04:02:34 3
104 IPv6 01:17:41 2
105 razorblur 01:44:52 2
106 monkaS 01:56:49 2
107 DCC 02:39:09 2
108 P1nky and the Br4in 02:56:04 2
109 olo3456 03:04:22 2
110 muellerg 03:24:45 2
111 KTC 03:32:39 2
112 mswagner 03:37:58 2
113 CodeBusters 00:09:41 1
114 Riki 00:21:31 1
115 Zwenza 00:29:26 1
116 Dick&Doof 00:32:52 1
117 lky 00:44:22 1
118 menewol 00:44:36 1
119 kraken 01:18:04 1
120 alexander_szep 02:28:41 1
121 DELETED 03:59:14 1
122 - 0
123 8Bit1Byte - 0
124 Bluminator - 0
125 Bruno Gregorowitsch - 0
126 CaginCecen - 0
127 Cerbis - 0
128 DELETED - 0
129 DELETED - 0
130 FL0O1 - 0
131 Jas - 0
132 Jeremyer - 0
133 Krautl - 0
134 LORNer - 0
135 Leberkaese - 0
136 Manuel - 0
137 Marco94 - 0
138 MartinSt - 0
139 NAISE.ONE - 0
140 O(n log(n)) - 0
141 Sniffer - 0
142 Speedees - 0
143 StuntHacks - 0
144 Team - 0
145 TheSimon - 0
146 DELETED - 0
147 Zyrus - 0
148 arjet - 0
149 benhal - 0
150 brew - 0
151 corentin_charles - 0
152 dlaxar - 0
153 fireplanet - 0
154 hursia - 0
155 jaxlification - 0
156 jenglisch - 0
157 leonadler - 0
158 maxpeinhopf - 0
159 muellerj - 0
160 muxamilian - 0
161 petrac.daniel - 0
162 poshky - 0
163 sch14274 - 0
164 skadyrov - 0
165 Janos Fogl - 0