Pilsen Results

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View Global Results
Rank Participant Participation type Total Time Levels completed
1 SSP 01:55:40 4
2 we secretly listen to ariana grande 03:19:25 4
3 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 01:01:17 3
4 W O L F B O I Z 01:18:41 3
5 k2s 02:34:01 3
6 Team Trivka 02:48:41 3
7 marvin 02:52:55 3
8 Baltík Team 02:59:53 3
9 Casual Coders 03:04:11 3
10 Brute Force 1 03:07:12 3
11 Extra prďácký tacos 04:03:42 3
12 YOLO 01:07:24 2
13 Staré rašple II: Návrat hrdinů. 01:08:58 2
14 Elon 02:40:29 2