Global Results

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Rank Participant Participation type Total Time Levels completed Location
151 Sigmoid - 0 Chișinău - Technical University of Moldova
152 Stefan_afl - 0 Iasi - AI Cuza University
153 TahirCarrim - 0 Pretoria - University of Pretoria
154 Test - 0 Cluj-Napoca - FSEGA
155 Timbo99 - 0 Stuttgart - TRUMPF SE & Co.KG
156 TimmyBRott - 0 The Web - ONLINE
157 Trikcode - 0 Kampala - Makerere Innovation and Incubation Center
158 Underdawg - 0 Amsterdam - Cloudflight Amsterdam
159 Ut - 0 The Web - ONLINE
160 Yekta - 0 Almere - Windesheim University of Applied Sciences
161 abdelrhman-arnos - 0 Wrocław - Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
162 adamsimon - 0 The Web - ONLINE
163 ameetran - 0 Amsterdam - Cloudflight Amsterdam
164 berg - 0 The Web - ONLINE
165 cirjanbogdan - 0 Cluj-Napoca - FSEGA
166 cyber98hack - 0 Graz - TU Graz
167 darimen - 0 Cluj-Napoca - FSEGA
168 - 0 The Web - ONLINE
169 erdia - 0 The Web - ONLINE
170 eriasaf - 0 Kampala - Makerere Innovation and Incubation Center
171 gahaalt - 0 Wrocław - Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
172 hackto-dev - 0 Munich - Cloudflight
173 hamzqq9 - 0 The Web - ONLINE
174 havfdeco - 0 The Web - ONLINE
175 hikmat - 0 Vienna - Vienna City Hall
176 islambendaoud - 0 Lille - University of Lille
177 israa - 0 Istanbul - defia Software Engineering
178 iter - 0 The Web - ONLINE
179 jakub6002 - 0 Poznan - General Logistics Systems Poland Sp. z o.o.
180 jhbebs - 0 Vienna - Vienna City Hall
181 kaboom - 0 Linz - JKU (Keplergebäude, HS1)
182 khashmi04 - 0 The Web - ONLINE
183 khrameshina - 0 Munich - Cloudflight
184 lia - 0 The Web - ONLINE
185 malekaloui - 0 Frankfurt am Main - Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
186 marknageb - 0 Cairo - German University in Cairo
187 mattplo - 0 Lille - University of Lille
188 medyAli - 0 Kampala - Makerere Innovation and Incubation Center
189 michael_riedmann - 0 The Web - ONLINE
190 mirceaB - 0 The Web - ONLINE
191 mirunamm - 0 Cluj-Napoca - FSEGA
192 moersoy - 0 Amsterdam - Cloudflight Amsterdam
193 muzavin - 0 Kampala - Makerere Innovation and Incubation Center
194 n-AI valoare - 0 Cluj-Napoca - FSEGA
195 nigelmofati - 0 Pretoria - University of Pretoria
196 niksonxs - 0 The Web - ONLINE
197 owethudlamini - 0 Pretoria - University of Pretoria
198 pooja.subramaniam - 0 The Web - ONLINE
199 rafachem9 - 0 The Web - ONLINE
200 shardedata - 0 Lille - University of Lille